Food Intolerance Testing

Improve Your Diet and Health

Enjoy Life Without Symptoms of Food Sensitivity

Often the foods we include regularly in our diet or the foods we crave may be the ones causing us a problem. Poor gut health appears to be a factor in the development of food sensitivities.

An IgG food sensitivity test could help identify problem foods which are causing an adverse delayed immune response.

Using a small sample of blood, the laboratory we work closely with can quickly identify an individual’s unique food sensitivity reactions, allowing Nicola to make precise dietary recommendations to help resolve symptoms associated with food sensitivities.

Call our clinic on  0151 263 6442

Where Does Food Intolerance Originate?

Food sensitivities can develop as a result of an adverse delayed immune response to certain foods. Often the foods we include regularly in our diet or the foods we crave may be the ones causing us a problem.

Scientific research has shown that food sensitivity can be linked to IgG antibodies produced when these ‘problem’ foods are eaten. Normally these antibodies do not have any ill-effects, but if the immune or digestive system are not working optimally, their presence may provoke a wide range of symptoms.

Optimal gut health and digestive function are essential for maintaining good health and well-being.

How Do We Treat Food Intolerance?

Our Food Intolerance Test is a highly sensitive and accurate CE Marked laboratory test that detects IgG food-specific antibodies to a wide range of foods.

It is the first step in identifying which foods may be causing an inappropriate immune response and affecting your health.


First we invite you to a consultation with Nicola


We take just a finger prick blood sample for testing


Results are returned to you quickly


Feel empowered to take control of your diet and health


FoodPrint 40+

Detecting food-specific IgG antibodies to 44 different foods.


FoodPrint 200+

Detecting food-specific IgG antibodies to 207 different foods



Package FoodPrint 40+ & Colon Hydrotherapy

Detecting food-specific IgG antibodies to 44 different foods combined with Colon Hydrotherapy for the ultimate gut reset.


Other Functional Tests Available

The laboratory functional testing menu allows us to identify functional imbalances such as high levels of stress or inflammation, which might be impacting on health.

Optimal gut health is influenced by a number of factors including diet and lifestyle, as well as genetics. Our functional testing menu offers insights into modifications required to help improve patients’ overall health.



The hs-CRP test uses a skin prick blood sample to assess low grade levels of inflammation. The results can be used as a tool to suggest where preventative strategies may be implemented or to monitor the effectiveness of these strategies.


h2-CRP + FoodPrint 200+ Bundle

Testing for inflammation using hs-CRP test alongside a food sensitivity test will give you and you greater insight into the impact of adverse food reactions on your health and wellbeing. It will also enable you to monitor therapeutic interventions, such as diet and lifestyle changes on your symptoms and health.


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