Prolozone Therapy
We have had many patients who feel the benefit of treatment immediately. However, most of the healing happens after 24-48 hours and depends upon the patient. If there is continued pain more injections may be required.
Because the injections start a repair process it works with 90% of people and 75% don’t need to come back. However this does depend on the severity of the problem and the length of time you have had the issue.
Ozone is injected into the soft tissue of a pre-identified painful area. The ozone enters the area, it doesn’t have to be ultra-specific as it spreads throughout the adjacent tissues. Ozone enters the cells and basically fires the cells into working again, reducing pain and starting a healing process. There is no limit on injections and no reported side effects like cortisone.
Prolozone is a non surgical treatment which works to repair and heal connective tissue around joints. Cortisone is more of a treatment to mask the pain of the condition, without addressing any underlying issue.
This will depend entirely upon the symptoms you have and how long you have had a particular condition. If you have any questions you can always call us or use our contact form.
After your initial assessment, a plan will be recommended for you. The usual techniques used in Osteopathy include;
- massage – to release and relax muscles
- stretching stiff joints
- articulation – where your joints are moved through their natural range of motion
- high-velocity thrusts – short, sharp movements to the spine, which normally produce a clicking noise similar to cracking your knuckles
These techniques aim to reduce pain, improve movement and encourage blood flow.
Chiropractors will often primarily focus on the alignment of the spine as this can relieve pain by preventing pinched nerves and other nervous system issues. Osteopaths will often focus on the whole body and use a greater variety of techniques to manipulate the bodies healing ability.
Osteopathy specialises in the diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal and other related disorders.
We will give you a clear explanation of our diagnosis and discuss a treatment plan with you. Many people feel a substantial reduction in symptoms after treatment. If your condition is not suitable for treatment we can advise you and give you advice on the next steps to follow.
IDD Therapy
Yes you can have IDD Therapy provided that the procedure was not within the previous six months (to allow complete healing) and there are no surgical implants.
All patients are different and a plan treatment plan will be tailored to your individual needs. Some patients feel the therapeutic benefits of IDD therapy after a few sessions, however with most patients suffering for years with conditions, improvement can take some time. Typically people have several treatments spread over 4 to 6 weeks. This allows the body to adapt to treatment whilst improvements in spine function are achieved.
IDD therapy is unique in that it targets very specific spinal segments in a carefully controlled and gentle and comfortable way. IDD Therapy allows for targeted distraction forces which are calculated on an individual basis. Traditional traction often means generic forces that treats the whole spine.
- Herniated Discs
- Bulging Discs
- Prolapsed Discs
- Sciatica
- Nerve Pain
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Facet Joint Syndrome
- Chronic back pain
- Neck pain
IDD Therapy helps treat unresolved back pain, neck pain and sciatica amongst other conditions. IDD Therapy involves applying carefully controlled pulling forces. These forces are calculated by a sophisticated computer program that takes into account your height and weight. You will be harnessed to an Accu Spina machine. The machine gently moves your body in order to draw apart spinal segments. This pulling apart relieves pressure on the discs and any pinched nerves like in the picture below.
IDD Therapy can help people who have back or neck pain. Many of our customers have tried various other treatments without success. Often our customers consider the therapy as they want to try to come off existing pain medication
They may be taking pain medication and maybe considering invasive treatments such as injections or in extreme cases, surgery.
If you are suffering from back pain or neck pain, symptoms in the legs or arms, then come and see us for an honest and expert opinion and to see which treatment you are most suitable for.
Colonic Hydrotherapy
Well yes! I can’t deny that will be the case…
You will be fully covered throughout the treatment with a blanket. There is a brief amount of time where I gently and safely insert the speculum in position; you will then be covered up for the remainder of your treatment—there are few seconds at the end of the treatment where this needs to be removed. It is my job to ensure you’re comfortable and the equipment is correctly positioned. There’s nothing I haven’t seen before.
While you are settling into your first treatment, I’m here to support your treatment to be as comfortable and beneficial as possible.
Once you’re over the initial thoughts and you’re settled with the sensations, most people actually enjoy the Colonic and are especially pleased with the unaccustomed sensation of feeling lighter, clean and clear afterwards.
Sometimes during a Colonic, the Colon muscles will contract suddenly expelling considerable amounts of liquid and waste. This may feel like cramping or gas and may create a feeling of urgency to empty the rectum. Such episodes, if they do occur, are very brief and easily tolerated.
The truth is that the washing out of putrefied material in the large intestine, increases the good intestinal flora.
Good bacteria can only breed in a healthy environment is free of putrefaction and its accompanying harmful bacteria. This is why the intestines of a new born baby immediately begin to grow good intestinal flora.
Each time you cleanse out the putrefying rubbish and make a better environment for the good flora, they start to multiply immediately in their natural media. It also stands to reason that valuable nutrients can better be absorbed in a clean environment than in a putrefied one.
If your system is in perticular need a course of pro/pre biotics will be advised.
I want to state that constipation can be supported and managed with natural solutions including the use of Colonics. Constipation is one of what may be termed “civilised man’s diseases”.
There are many factors involved in having a well functioning Colon: some of these are; diet, exercise and attitude.
Often, however, because the Colon has been sluggish for so long, it has become severely weakened due to being constantly bathed in toxic waste, stretched from holding excessive amount of stools, and frequently, constricted by chronic tension in the Colon.
The process of Colonic hydrotherapy is excellent for cleansing the Colon sufficiently so that changes in diet, exercise, and attitude are then able to produce their effects.
Many people find the relief provided by Colonics stimulates the motivation and enthusiasm to institute positive changes in their lifestyle.
Since your abdomen will be massaged it is a good idea to eat or drink lightly in the 2 hours immediately preceding a Colonic.
During the Colonic treatment itself. You will be relaxing on a treatment couch in complete comfort.
A small sterile speculum is gently inserted into the rectum, through which warm filtered water and herbal infusions or coffee (if used) will flow gently into the Colon. The speclum has a separate water and waste line that is attached to the hydrotherapy equipment and drain respectively.
All waste is discretely transported into the sewage system without offensive odour and without compromising your dignity.
At the end of your time on the couch you will go through to the changing room again and rest a while on the toilet. Further water and matter may be released.
There are 2 types of regulation, statutory and voluntary. They are there to protect the public by making sure that the people on their registers are properly/professionally trained and agree to abide by a set of principles and rules, and give independent accreditation to the therapist. Disciplines such as osteopathy and chiropractic are statutorily regulated. That means they are under the jurisdiction of the Government. Colonic hydrotherapy is not statutorily regulated, so there are voluntary regulators who do a similar role. G.R.C.C.T. are two of the voluntary regulators in the UK. They cover individuals, not associations.
Colon Hydrotherapy now has a set of National Occupational Standards (N.O.S.) which have been agreed and accepted by the regulators, G.R.C.C.T. GRCCT already had a separate listing for colon hydrotherapy. The National Occupational Standards, can only be amended with the agreement of the colonic associations. These standards cover any therapist who wants to join the G.R.C.C.T. register. They were set up and agreed by both R.I.C.T.A.T. and A.R.C.H. together as they represent the majority of colon hydrotherapists in the UK.
The Colon, or large intestine, is the end portion of the human digestive tract (food carrying passageway extending from the mouth to the anus).
The Colon is approximately 5 feet long and 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Its major functions are to eliminate waste and to conserve water. Also, there are bacteria living in the Colon which synthesize valuable nutrients such as vitamins “K” and portions of the vitamin “B” complex.
Your skin actually “breathes” and is an important organ of elimination of waste material. Sometimes, if the Colon, liver or kidneys are functioning poorly, the skin will be required to make up the difference.
Surface eruptions on the skin of various sorts may occur due to toxins being released. Cleansing and supporting the Colon diminishes the burden placed upon the skin as well as the other organs of elimination: Lungs, Liver and Kidneys. As elimination is accomplished through its proper channels, the skin will very often clear up.
You may also need to adjust your diet and hydration levels in order to support your skin.
We suggest that you eat at your normal meal time, and consume a moderate amount of whatever seems gentle and nourishing to you.
Just as it doesn’t make sense to have you car cleaned and then immediately drive it through mud, eating a meal known to cause trouble in your abdomen directly after a Colonic isn’t an intelligent choice.
The removal of stagnant waste material and impacted toxic residue, supports the immune tissue that resides in the intestines.
Recent European studies speculate that 80% of immune tissue resides in the intestines. Colon Hydrotherapy is not a one stop cure-all, but an important adjunctive therapy in the overall health care of the client.
Sports Massage
Having sports massage before strenuous exercise can help your performance and prevent injury. The stimulation of the muscles and soft tissue after exercise also helps in post-exercise recovery.
Many clients are not just sports enthusiasts, rather they are simply suffering from muscular difficulties and find this therapy an effective way of alleviating any pain they are experiencing. Common ailments such as sciatica, whiplash and frozen shoulders are effectively treated using deep tissue massage to alleviate the stress and tension involved in muscular fatigue.
Sports massage is a therapeutic massage. It involves manipulation of soft tissues. This soft tissue includes skin, muscle, tendons, ligaments and fascia.
Sports massage will help to alleviate problems and imbalances caused by regular exercise and overuse.
The treatment provided by Balance Health Centre is often just the first step towards peak performance. Our therapists ensure that each client is given personalized advice and guidance on exercise regimes, nutrition plans and overall wellbeing support.
Allergy Testing
The recognised standard of dealing with problems associated with food sensitivity is as follows:
- Examine the history and symptoms
- Test all the foods listed
- Eliminate the potential offenders for one month
- Re-introduce the food and monitor for symptoms categorise any foods we suggest for elimination into various stages of priority for you to follow.
We never recommend that you eliminate too many foods at once.
The programme is designed to identify foods that you may have developed a sensitivity to, and is based on three important markers:
- The frequency with which you eat each of the foods being tested.
- Referral to our Guide to the Foods Most Commonly Implicated in Symptoms of Food Sensitivity.
- Results from using a small electronic machine to measure your bodies reaction to each of the foods being tested.
If all three markers show a positive result, then we recommend that you eliminate the food in question for a temporary period.
Having sports massage before strenuous exercise can help your performance and prevent injury. The stimulation of the muscles and soft tissue after exercise also helps in post-exercise recovery.
Many clients are not just sports enthusiasts, rather they are simply suffering from muscular difficulties and find this therapy an effective way of alleviating any pain they are experiencing. Common ailments such as sciatica, whiplash and frozen shoulders are effectively treated using deep tissue massage to alleviate the stress and tension involved in muscular fatigue.
Acupuncture at Balance Health Centre can assist with the following conditions:
- Stress, Anxiety and Tiredness
- Neck, Back Pain and other Musculo-skeletal problems
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Sciatica
- Addictions
- Headaches and Migraine
- High Blood Pressure
- Chronic Pain and Recurring Illness
- Neuralgia
- Fertility Problems and more…
Acupuncture involves inserting very fine needles at specific points on the body which regulate the flow of Qi.
This is usually painless, but if the thought of needles terrifies you, your Balance Health Practitioner can apply pressure to the points on your body using fingers or hands to illicit the same outcome.
During treatment, we may use massage or moxibustion (a warming treatment using smouldering herbs) and suction (application of suction cups which are applied to the body) to assist your healing process.
Sports massage is a therapeutic massage. It involves manipulation of soft tissues. This soft tissue includes skin, muscle, tendons, ligaments and fascia.
Sports massage will help to alleviate problems and imbalances caused by regular exercise and overuse.
The treatment provided by Balance Health Centre is often just the first step towards peak performance. Our therapists ensure that each client is given personalized advice and guidance on exercise regimes, nutrition plans and overall wellbeing support.